What makes your heartbeat so special?

What makes your heartbeat so special?

Your heartbeat is the first thing that begins when you come into existence, and the last thing that fades when you leave this world. 

While alive, the word “heartbeat” is something you hear almost every day. It is embedded in every love song, be it Kelly Clarkson, Childish Gambino or Enrique Iglesias with “I Can Feel Your Heartbeat”, there are over 2773 inspirational quotes with the word “heartbeat”. 

While the world is overflowing with photos, videos, and endless messages, there is a good chance your loved ones haven't felt your heartbeat since you were a child. Unlike pictures or videos, which capture memories visually, your heartbeat is a live, vibrant tangible feeling of you which can be recorded and physically felt.

Ask yourself, when was the last time you felt the heartbeat of your loved one? Unless you are sleeping with them in one bed and have your ear on their chest, probably never. If you live close to your mom, your dad or your partner, you should totally go and scare them with the phrase “Let me feel your heartbeat”.

The idea of cherishing the heartbeat of a partner and family goes back to the roots of human evolution and it is important in every culture, regardless of race, religion or ethnicity. Some like to keep a paper print-out of loved ones' heartbeat that they get from hospital, some tattoo the heartbeat on them, but most of all the heartbeat is deeply set in lyrics and verbal expressions all around the world.  

Studies show that when we physically feel another person’s heartbeat or pulse, our own heart rhythms can sync up — a phenomenon known as physiological synchrony. Couples, close friends, even parents and babies have been shown to subconsciously match their heartbeats when they feel connected. It's like our bodies have their own secret way of saying "I'm with you."

While feeling a loved one’s heartbeat remotely is certainly not going to replace seeing and hugging them, a small heartbeat can go a long way to warm up a loving heart.

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